Parmigiano Reggiano - The King of Cheeses

Parmigiano Reggiano: The King of Cheeses and Why It’s a Must-Have in Your Kitchen

Parmigiano Reggiano: The King of Cheeses and Why It’s a Must-Have in Your Kitchen

Parmigiano Reggiano is often referred to as the "King of Cheeses," and for good reason. This iconic Italian cheese has a rich history, unparalleled flavour, and a versatility that makes it a staple in kitchens around the world. In this blog post, we’ll delve into what makes Parmigiano Reggiano so special, how it’s made, and why it should be a key ingredient in your culinary arsenal.

Valserena Parmigiano Reggiano 36mth

What is Parmigiano Reggiano?

Parmigiano Reggiano is a hard, granular cheese that hails from the Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena, and parts of Bologna and Mantua regions of Italy. It’s made from raw cow’s milk and is aged for a minimum of 12 months, though many varieties are aged for 24, 36, or even longer, developing deeper, more complex flavours as they mature.

Key Characteristics of Parmigiano Reggiano:

  • Protected Designation of Origin (PDO): Parmigiano Reggiano is a PDO product, meaning it can only be produced in specific regions of Italy under strict regulations.
  • Complex Flavour: The cheese is known for its rich, nutty, and slightly fruity flavour, with a crystalline texture that melts in your mouth.
  • Versatile Use: Parmigiano Reggiano is a versatile cheese, perfect for grating over pasta, shaving into salads, or enjoying on its own with a glass of wine.

How is Parmigiano Reggiano Made?

The production of Parmigiano Reggiano is a meticulous process that has remained largely unchanged for centuries. The cheese is made using raw cow’s milk from cows fed only on locally grown fodder. The milk is combined with natural whey and calf rennet, then heated and stirred to form curds. The curds are pressed, shaped, and aged for at least 12 months, during which time the cheese develops its signature flavour and texture.

Why Parmigiano Reggiano is Considered the Best Cheese in the World

  1. Aged to Perfection: Parmigiano Reggiano is aged for a minimum of 12 months, with some wheels aged for up to 48 months. This long aging process allows the cheese to develop a deep, complex flavour that is unmatched by other cheeses.
  2. Strict Production Standards: Parmigiano Reggiano can only be made in specific regions of Italy, and the production process is highly regulated to ensure consistency and quality.
  3. Incredible Versatility: Whether grated, shaved, or eaten on its own, Parmigiano Reggiano enhances the flavour of any dish, making it a must-have in any kitchen.

How to Enjoy Parmigiano Reggiano

Parmigiano Reggiano is incredibly versatile and can be enjoyed in a variety of ways:

  • Grated: Sprinkle grated Parmigiano Reggiano over pasta, risotto, or soups to add a rich, umami flavour.
  • Shaved: Add shaved Parmigiano Reggiano to salads or cheese boards for a touch of sophistication.
  • On Its Own: Enjoy small chunks of Parmigiano Reggiano with fresh fruit, nuts, and honey as a simple yet elegant snack.
  • In Cooking: Use Parmigiano Reggiano to elevate your cooking, from pesto sauces to baked dishes.

Explore the Best Parmigiano Reggiano at Cheese Therapy

If you’re ready to experience the best Parmigiano Reggiano the world has to offer, look no further than Valserena’s range at Cheese Therapy. Valserena is one of Italy’s oldest family-run dairies, known for producing exceptional Parmigiano Reggiano using traditional methods. Each wheel is crafted with care, ensuring a cheese that is rich, complex, and full of flavour.

Explore Valserena’s Parmigiano Reggiano Collection at Cheese Therapy

It's the King of Cheese!

Parmigiano Reggiano isn’t just a cheese; it’s a culinary masterpiece with a history and flavour that stands the test of time. Whether you’re grating it over your favourite pasta dish, enjoying it on a cheese board, or simply savouring it on its own, Parmigiano Reggiano is a must-have in any kitchen. Experience the best of this iconic cheese by exploring the Valserena collection at Cheese Therapy today.

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