Kefalograviera Cheese, a greek tradition. Blog Post

Kefalograviera: Discover Greece’s Traditional Cheese and How to Enjoy It

Kefalograviera: Discover Greece’s Traditional Cheese and How to Enjoy It

Kefalograviera is a gem in the world of Greek cheeses, beloved for its unique flavour and versatility. With a growing interest in traditional and artisanal cheeses, it's no surprise that 2,400 people in Australia search for Kefalograviera every month. In this blog post, we'll explore what makes Kefalograviera so special, how to enjoy it, and why it should be a staple in your kitchen.

Kefalograviera Cheese, a greek traditional cheese

What is Kefalograviera?

Kefalograviera is a traditional Greek cheese made primarily from sheep’s milk, with some variations including goat’s milk. It’s known for its hard texture and rich, savoury flavour, which is a delightful combination of salty, nutty, and slightly tangy notes. The cheese is typically aged for at least three months, allowing it to develop its characteristic depth of flavour.

Why Kefalograviera is So Popular

  • Rich Heritage: Kefalograviera is deeply rooted in Greek culinary traditions, often used in a variety of dishes ranging from simple meze platters to more elaborate recipes.
  • Versatility: This cheese is incredibly versatile. It can be grated over pasta, sliced into salads, or fried to create the famous Greek dish, Saganaki.
  • Distinctive Flavour: The combination of sheep’s and goat’s milk gives Kefalograviera a unique taste that’s both robust and creamy, making it a favourite among cheese lovers.

How to Enjoy Kefalograviera

  1. Saganaki: Perhaps the most famous use of Kefalograviera is in Saganaki, where the cheese is pan-fried until golden and crispy on the outside, while still soft and melty on the inside. It’s a simple yet incredibly satisfying dish that highlights the cheese’s flavour.

  2. Grated Over Pasta: Kefalograviera makes a perfect topping for pasta dishes, especially those with rich, tomato-based sauces. Its salty, nutty flavour adds depth to the dish, complementing the acidity of the tomatoes.

  3. Cheese Boards: Include Kefalograviera on your cheese board alongside olives, fresh fruits, and crusty bread. Its robust flavour pairs well with a variety of accompaniments, making it a standout feature on any cheese platter.

  4. In Salads: Add slices or shavings of Kefalograviera to your salads for an extra layer of flavour. It works particularly well with Mediterranean-style salads that include ingredients like cucumbers, tomatoes, and olives.

Pairing Kefalograviera with Wines

Kefalograviera pairs beautifully with both white and red wines. For white wine lovers, a crisp Sauvignon Blanc or a rich Chardonnay complements the cheese’s tangy notes. If you prefer red wine, opt for a light to medium-bodied red like Pinot Noir or a Greek Agiorgitiko, which balances the cheese’s robust flavours.

Where to Buy Kefalograviera

If you're looking to add Kefalograviera to your culinary repertoire, you can find high-quality Kefalograviera PDO available at Cheese Therapy. This cheese is crafted using traditional methods, ensuring that every bite delivers the authentic taste of Greece.

Shop Kefalograviera PDO at Cheese Therapy

You Have to Try It!

Kefalograviera is more than just a cheese; it's a taste of Greek heritage and tradition. Whether you're new to this delicious cheese or a long-time fan, its versatility and distinctive flavour make it a must-have in your kitchen. From Saganaki to salads, Kefalograviera enhances a wide range of dishes, bringing a touch of Greece to your table.

Shop Kefalograviera Now
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