Collection: Australian Cheese: Finest Local Varieties

Australian Cheese: A Taste of Tradition and Innovation

Australia is a land renowned for its diverse landscapes, vibrant cultures, and of course, its exceptional cheese. From the fertile pastures of Tasmania to the rolling hills of Victoria, Australian cheese is a product of its unique environment and innovative producers. Whether you’re a connoisseur or a casual cheese lover, the rich flavours and textures of Australian cheese offer something to delight every palate.

A Rich Dairy Heritage

The story of Australian cheese begins with the early settlers who brought with them the techniques and traditions of European cheesemaking. Over time, these methods evolved, influenced by the distinct Australian climate and terrain. Today, Australia boasts a thriving cheese industry that combines traditional practices with modern innovation.

Diverse Varieties

Australian cheese comes in a myriad of varieties, each with its own unique character. From creamy Brie and Camembert to sharp Cheddar and tangy Blue, there’s a cheese for every taste. Australian producers have also embraced artisanal cheesemaking, creating boutique varieties that reflect regional characteristics and flavours.


One of the most popular types of Australian cheese is Cheddar. This cheese is known for its sharp, robust flavour and firm texture. Australian Cheddar often has a distinctive taste, thanks to the rich pastures and high-quality milk from which it is made. It’s perfect for everything from a classic cheese toastie to a sophisticated cheese platter.

Brie and Camembert

For those who prefer softer cheeses, Australian Brie and Camembert are excellent choices. These cheeses have a creamy texture and a mild, buttery flavour that becomes more pronounced as they age. They pair beautifully with fresh fruit, nuts, and a crisp white wine.

Blue Cheese

Blue cheese lovers will find plenty to enjoy in Australian varieties. Australian Blue cheese is known for its bold, tangy flavour and creamy texture. It’s often made using traditional methods, with the addition of Penicillium cultures to create its characteristic blue veins. Enjoy it crumbled over a salad, melted into a sauce, or on its own with a slice of pear.

Artisanal and Regional Specialities

Australia’s cheese scene is also home to a thriving community of artisanal producers. These cheesemakers often use traditional methods and local ingredients to create unique, small-batch cheeses. For instance, in Tasmania, you’ll find cheeses made from the rich milk of grass-fed cows, while in Victoria, producers might incorporate local herbs and spices into their creations.

Pairing Australian Cheese

Pairing Australian cheese with the right accompaniments can elevate your tasting experience. For a classic pairing, try Australian Cheddar with a robust Shiraz or a fruity Chardonnay. Soft cheeses like Brie and Camembert go well with sparkling wines or a light, crisp Sauvignon Blanc. Blue cheese pairs wonderfully with dessert wines, such as a rich Muscat or a sweet Riesling.

Supporting Local Producers

When you buy Australian cheese, you’re not just enjoying a delicious product; you’re also supporting local farmers and producers. The Australian cheese industry plays a vital role in the rural economy, providing jobs and promoting sustainable farming practices. By choosing locally made cheese, you’re helping to ensure the continued success and innovation of this important industry.

Australian cheese is a testament to the country’s rich dairy heritage and its spirit of innovation. With a wide range of varieties and flavours, there’s an Australian cheese to suit every taste. Whether you’re enjoying a classic Cheddar, a creamy Brie, or an artisanal creation, you’re experiencing the unique terroir and craftsmanship of Australian cheesemakers. So next time you’re looking to elevate your cheese board, reach for an Australian cheese and savour the flavours of this remarkable land.